STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - "black again" Tablature

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Stone Temple Pilots
Black Again
Standard tuning

Be aware that I did this all by ear, and it sounded good enough. But if you find something
to add, go on ahead.

A. B.

^Do it in this order: A A B A (listen to the song, its all in the same section)


...tired and lonely...
^listen for the chord switch, you'll hear a sliding noise.
(and I'm not positive thats the chord, but it seems to work.)

Chorus- (I did a lot of improv on this part, but it sounds cool anyway.)


^and on this, I'm not too sure if he's got the open G string, but it sounds decent

"She'll never really be alone..."

Just strum a G (320033) and that should work.

The solo...just hum along like Scott does if you're by yourself. If you've got a
second guitarist, go for it, it should be easy enough to figure out, I'm just too
lazy to do it myself.

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