STING - "mad about you" Tablature

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Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 14:12:04 -0400
From: Gehan Cheung <>
Subject: s/sting/

The Soul Cages (1991, A&M)
#File created w/Instab-

Thank-you Luis Ferreira, and others, for your postings.
I brought it all down a half-step in order to play along with
the CD. I retabbed the intro and the chords, and added the guitar
equivalent for the clarinet solo and all the fills. Your comments &
revisions are encouraged. Enjoy, Gehan Cheung<>

G#m G#m/B Emaj7 Eb+ Eb C#m7 Gaug7 G#m/F# E B(9) Eb7 Absus4 A B/Eb Abdim7
e 4 4 4 X 3 4 X 4 0 X 6 4 5 4 X
B 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 4 0 7 8 4 5 4 3
G 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 6 6 6 6 1 4
D 6 6 6 5 5 6 2 4 2 7 8 6 7 1 3
A 6 6 7 6 6 4 X 6 2 6 6 6 7 2 X
E 4 7 X X X X 3 4 0 X X 4 5 X 4

/ = slide up * = stacatto ^ = bend
\ = slide down p = pull-off X = not played
() = ghost note[not picked] h = hammer-on + = count

Guitar 1:
B-----4-------2-4-----|-4-0-2----2---0-2----|4x(along with guitar 2)

|This measure |
|is played |
|only once |
|after the 2x | Fill 1 (1st time)
|of Guitar 1 | Guitar 2: Fill 3 (2nd time)

Fill 2 (1st time)
Fill 4 (2nd time)

[This measure is played Guitar 1:
only once during the e-*------------------------|
last measure of the B-4--0--2-------2----------|
2nd time of Guitar 2] G---------1-4-----4---3--1-|

Fill 1 :-16------------------------------: ALL FILLS:
:-------18-------------------13---: o = play cleanly
:---------------------------------: Otherwise, slightly muted.

Fill 2 :-19------------------15/16-15/16-:
o +
Fill 3 :-19------------------------------:
o o +
Fill 4 :-21--19--o-------o---o-----------:

[NOTE: The first two measures of INTRO: Guitar 1 are played almost
throughout Verses 1, 2, and 3--Listen to a recording for duration.]


G#m G#m/B
A stone's throw.................

Emaj7 Eb+
I walked................................

G#m G#m/B
And though a..................

Emaj7 Eb+
My heart was................................

G#m G#m/B
That whirls......................

Emaj7 Eb+
Whirling in an...................

G#m G#m/B Eb Eb+
I'm lost...................I'm lost.................

Emaj7 C#m7
Though all my....................

Gaug7 Eb
And fall into.........

G#m G#m/F# E Eb G#m
I'm mad about...........I'm mad...........

+ +
And from the.................... Fill 5 :-16----------------------:
Fill 5 :-------18----------------:
....................songs of sadness :-------------------------:
But every step...............
Fill 6 Fill 6 :-16-------------15/16-16-:
...............only you :----16----17-16----------:
And every star................ :-------------------------:
Fill 7 :-------------------------:
.............. a dried-up ocean
Fill 8
.................................. How much longer?!

They say a................. o o o
Fill 7 :-16-18-19-------------15/16-16-:
Fill 9 :----------16----17-16----------:
.......... of an ancient king :-------------18----------------:
But the city............. :-------------------------------:
Fill 7
.....................and the vultures
o +
These are the works........ Fill 8 :-16-------------16-------:
Fill 10 :-------18----------------:
................of our ambition :-------------------------:
It would make............. :-------------------------:

Fill 11 o o +
If you became............ Fill 9 :-21-19-------------------:
Fill 12 :----------18-------------:
With every prison......... :-------------------------:
Fill 13 :-------------------------:
My enemies walk...........

Fill 14
I'm mad about.............I'm mad.........
Fill 10 :-21-21----------------------: Fill 11 :-----------------:
:-------16----17-16----------: :-----0-2-----0-2-:
:----------18----------------: :-2h3-----2/3-----:
:----------------------------: :-----------------:
:----------------------------: :-----------------:
:----------------------------: :-----------------:

Fill 12 :----------------: Fill 13 :--------------------:
:-----2-------2--: :-----4------------4-:
:---4---1---4--1-: :---1--1-1-1-1p0-1---:
:-2-------2------: :-3------------------:
:----------------: :--------------------:
:----------------: :--------------------:

Fill 14 :-----------0-------------------:
And I have never............

Eb7 Absus4
Felt more alone....................

A Eb
Although I claim.............................................

B/Eb C#m7
nothing to me There are no............................

Abdim7 Eb
histories, without love


A stone's throw................. Fill 15:---------: is played
:-------o-: throughout
Fill 5 :-o-o-o-1-: Verse 3 until
................. mile in the :-2\1-4---: the end of the
:---------: second-to-the-
And though a.................. :---------: last measure of
the SOLO tab.
Fill 2
......................a distant planet

That whirls................. +
Fill 16 :-16-18-19-o--------------:
Fill 5 :----------16----17-16----:
.............. arc of sadness :-------------18----------:
Fill 16 :-------------------------:
I'm lost................I'm lost without you :-------------------------:

Fill 5

Fill 6


Fill 5


Fill 12
Emaj7 C#m7
And though..............keys + + + +
Fill 17:---------: Fill 18:---------:
Fill 13 :-----4---: :-----4---:
Abdim7 Eb :---1---1-: :---1---1-:
Of everything......... :-2-------: :---------:
:---------: :-4-------:
Fill 17 Fill 18 :---------: :---------:
Emaj7 C#m7
With every ...... blown Fill 19:---------: Fill 20:---------:
:-----4---: :-----4---:
Fill 19 Fill 20 :---1---1-: :---1---1-:
Abdim7 Eb :-0-------: :-1-------:
My enemies .... free :---------: :---------:
:---------: :---------:
Fill 21
Emaj7 C#m7 Fill 21:--------------------:
Though all my ........ turn :-----2----------2---:
Fill 22 :-2--------1h2-------:
Abdim7 Eb :--------------------:
And fall..........sea :--------------------:

Fill 15 Fill 22:--------------------:
Fill 23 :-----2----------2---:
G#m G#m/F# E Eb G#m :---1---1------1---1-:
I'm mad about .........I'm mad......... :-3--------2h3-------:

Fill 23 :-12-11-9-12-11-(11)-(11)-|--------------------------:

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