SMASHING PUMPKINS - "quiet" Tablature

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Subject: s/smashing_pumpkins/quiet.crd
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 17:58:55 -0800
From: Christine Balogh <>

QUIET- written by Billy Corgan From: David
Balogh( performed by the Smashing Pumpkins

This song is all power chords, so it's really easy to play. I'm not
sure that this is 100% right, but it sounds right to me.

The riff after the weird intro goes like this:
play this riff 12 times (8X under singing)

Then this riff-The CHORUS-is played:
play this riff 3.5 times

During the last time, stop with the C#5 to B5 slide.

under the solo, play the chorus riff and then go back to a variation of the
1st riff (just start moving up the fretboard on an E5 and end with an A5).
End with the CHORUS riff.

Any questions or comments, email me at
(Can someone please post some SP basstab)

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