SHADOWS FALL - "Destroyer Of Senses" Tablature

Official SHADOWS FALL Tablature & Sheet Music »

This was written by inflames99 im bringing this to mxtabs for him
Destroyer of Senses
The tuning I think is in dropped D down a whole step

\ - slide down to / - slide up to ph - pinch harmonic
h - hammer on ~ - vibrato br - bend release
p - pull off b - bend t - tapping

Intro- guitars 1 & 2

Repeat intro 4 times with guitars 1 & 2

Guitar 1- Jonathan Donias Main Riff


Guitar 2 – Matt Bachand

Guitar 1 - Jonathan Donias Verse 1

Guitar 2 - Matt Bachand

Repeat Intro and the Main riff (main riff 2 times)

Guitars 1 & 2 (Repeat 2 times) Verse 2

Guitars 1 & 2 (Repeat 2 times) Verse 3

Repeat Verse 1 & 2 one time

Solo - Guitar 1


Guitar 2 plays Intro through the solo

Guitars 1 & 2 play Main Riff through the rest of the song.

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