SCREECHING WEASEL - "every night" Tablature

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Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 13:21:55 -0500
Subject: CRD: Screeching Weasel, "Every Night"

"Every Night"
performed by Screeching Weasel
written by Ben Weasel
(C) 1993 No Budget Productions
(P) 1993 Lookout! Records
from the Lookout! Records release Anthem For a New Tomorrow (LK 76 LP/CS/CD)
transcribed by Mike Ripplinger (

* (pm) = palm-muted
* The F chord is played X 8 10 10 X X X, not 1 3 3 X X X

["Every Night"]

[Bass begins alone, playing the verse once. Drums enter the second time
through. When the drums enter, turn on distortion or turn up your volume
dial to create mild feedback. Guitar enters the third time through, when the
words start.]

G# C#
I'm not feeling ...
D# F C#
Half connected all ...
G# C#
Each night I document ...
D# F C#
The pointless points I've ...

G# D# C#
Every night, every night, ....
G# D# C#
Tonight and every night ....
Trying to fall ....

[G# / D# / C#] x2

I've sat and smoked a billion ....

Every night, every ....
C# (strike chord once and let hang)
I fucked up t....

[G#(pm) / D#(pm) / C#(pm)] Play this progression through the end, taking the
palm mutes out when the drums start slamming hard (real technical, I know.)

Lead riff -- played at the end
(keyboard transcribed for guitar)
G------------------------------------------| D--------------------------------
----------| A------------------------------------------| E--------------------

and repeat

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