POSIES - "i could dream all day" Tablature

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From: scary@zikzak.apana.org.au (Gary Chapman)
Subject: TAB/CRD: The Posies - Dream All Day

I Could Dream All Day - The Posies - transcribed by Gary Chapman


~ = vibrato
ah = artificial harmonic
X = clunk

Chords used in the song (at least how I play 'em):

F#sus4 E Asus4 Amaj Bmin Bsus4 G
E ----- ----- --0-- --0-- --2-- --2-- --3--
B ----- --5-- --4-- --2-- --3-- --5-- --3--
G --4-- --4-- --2-- --2-- --4-- --4-- --0--
D --4-- --2-- --2-- --2-- --4-- --4-- --0--
A --4-- --2-- --0-- --0-- --2-- --2-- --2--
E --2-- --0-- ----- ----- ----- ----- --3--


F#sus4 E F#sus4 E

Bmin Bsus4 Bmin Amaj Asus4 Amaj Bmin Bsus4 Bmin Amaj Asus4 Amaj

(note: The above line gives an overall feeling of what's going on. There's
some little riff that includes the (sus) 4th but it's too hard to work
it out because of the intense guitar fuzz and general noise)

Verse 1:

Bmin Bsus4 Bmin Amaj Asus4 Amaj
I've got a lot of ...


G Amaj Bmin Amaj
I could dream all ...

G Amaj Bmin Amaj
I could dream ....)

G Amaj Bmin Amaj G
I could dream ....

Amaj Bmin Bsus4 Bmin
I could dream ....

Amaj Asus4 Amaj Bmin Bsus4 Bmin Amaj Asus4 Amaj
I could ...

Verse 2:

In a blackened ....



F#sus4 E F#sus4 Asus4(?? funny-sounding chord) (repeat)

E --------14-----------------------------------------------------------
B --15~--------15----14~--14--14-- -14----------
G --16~--------------14~--14--14--< assorted clunks, -14-16--16~--
D -------------------------------- squeaks ands wheezes >-------------
A ------X----X----X--------------- -------------
E ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Verse 3:

I dreamt I was ....


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