NIRVANA - "Lithium (correct)" Tablature
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Nirvana - Lithium
Tuning - 1 whole step down.
This song is simply power chords, there are some individual notes,
but your hand's position is always in a power chord setting.
The fingering is certainly correct, im almost 100% sure about every
note, but you can feed off this and do what you want. have fun.
Intro / Verse 4x
The first time this is played it's palm muted
(you have to time the slides right to get the right sound)
E5 G#5 C#5 A5 C5 D5 A#5 D5
G ------------------6*------------------------------------------------
D ------------------6*---------7------5-5-5-5/-7-7---4-4-4-4-/-7-7----
A -2--------6*----4----------7---7----3-3-3-3/-5-5-0-2-2-2-2-/-5-5-0--
E -0--x-0-4----0--------0--5------------------------------------------
the * means, not palm muted
The other times this riff is played it's not palm muted and
the G string is hit a bit, like this. This may not be percise, but
this will give you the impression of what i mean.
E5 G#5 C#5 A5 C5 D5 A#5 D5
G -------------------------------------5--------7-----4---------7----
D -----------------6----------7------5-5-5-5/-7-7---4-4-4-4-/-7-7----
A -2--------6----4----------7---7----3-3-3-3/-5-5-0-2-2-2-2-/-5-5-0--
E -0--x-0-4----0-------0--5------------------------------------------
Pre-Chorus 3x (yeah....) I tried to make the timing more obvious,
you get the point...
G -----------------6--6-----------------------------------------------
D -2--2----6--6----6--6----7-7-7-7----5-5-5-/-7-7-7---4-4-4-/-7-7-7---
A -2--2-0--6--6-0--4--4-0--7-7-7-7-0--3-3-3-/-5-5-5-0-2-2-2-/-5-5-5-0-
E -0--0-0--4--4-0-------0--5-5-5-5-0----------------0---------------0-
Chorus 8x (I like you..........Crack!)
G ------------------------------------------
D -----------5--5-5--------------5-5-5-5----
A -7--7-7-0--3--3-3-0--7--7-7-0--3-3-3-3-0--
E -5--5-5-0---------0--5--5-5-0----------0--
There you have it!
email at for comments.
Have fun, this song kicks so much ass, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain
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