- age of empires
- blackadder theme
- blades of steel
- bubble bobble
- bubble bobble
- chocobob theme
- chrono trigger
- chrono trigger middle ages
- diablo1 city
- doom level i
- doom level i
- dragon warrior 1
- Dragon Warrior 1
- dragon warrior 1
- duke nukem theme
- ff8 eyes on me
- final fandtasy x hymn of the fayth
- final fandtasy x hymn of the fayth
- final fantasy 1
- final fantasy 1
- Final Fantasy 1
- final fantasy 2 prologue
- final fantasy 2 theme
- Final Fantasy 2 Theme
- final fantasy 2 theme
- final fantasy 3
- final fantasy 7 cosmo canyon theme
- final fantasy 7 highwind
- final fantasy 8 theme
- final fantasy iii
- final fantasy iii
- final fantasy ix
- final fantasy ix
- final fantasy ix frontier village dali
- final fantasy ix theme
- final fantasy prelude
- final fantasy town
- final fantasy town
- final fantasy vi opening sequence
- final fantasy vi opening sequence
- final fantasy vi snowfield
- final fantasy vi snowfield
- final fantasy vii
- final fantasy vii
- final fantasy viii
- final fantasy viii
- Final Fantsy Iii
- final fantsy iii
- full throttle
- glorious victory solo
- goldeneye 007 cradle
- goldeneye007 cradle
- grandia theme
- interstate 76
- interstate 76
- Interstate 76
- it came from the desert riff
- kalinka
- kalinka
- legend of zelda kakariko village
- lotus esprit turbo
- manic miner
- manic miner
- mario
- mario underground
- mario underground
- mario underworld
- metal gear solid
- metal gear solid
- metal gear solid 2
- nintendo zelda theme
- oceanside theme from final fantasy 8
- pac man and ff 3 tune
- pacman
- pacman2
- perfect dark
- perfect dark theme
- punchout fight
- secret of mana underground palace
- shenmue
- shrine island
- silkworm
- silkworm
- Silkworm
- sonic adventure two
- street fighter 2 ken
- super mario bros
- super mario bros 3
- super mario brothers
- super mario brothers dungeon theme
- super mario brothers overworld theme
- super mario brothers overworld theme
- Super Mario Brothers Theme
- super mario brothers theme
- super mario brothers theme
- super mario brothers2
- super mario underground stage
- tetris
- tetris music a
- tetris music a
- Tetris Music C
- tetris music c
- tetris ozma
- tetris ozma
- tetris performed by ozma
- tetris2
- ultima 6 and 7
- Ultima 6 And 7
- ultima 6 and 7
- windows sounds
- zelda
- zelda 2 theme
- Zelda 2 Theme
- zelda 2 theme
- zelda labrynth
- zelda labrynth
- Zelda Labrynth
- zelda overworld theme
- zelda overworld theme
- zelda theme
- zelda theme