MISC BASS - "god rest ye merry gentlemen" Tablature

Official MISC BASS Tablature & Sheet Music »

From: mbailey@MSIS.dmso.mil (Mike Bailey)
To: dwm3@po.cwru.edu
Subject: god rest ye merry gentlemen
Date: Sun, 15 Dec

god rest ye merry gentlemen
great song for practicing closed position scales

e e e e e e e e e e e e e h e e e e e e e e e e e e

e h e e e e e e e e e e e e e q e e q e e e e e e e

e^ e^ e^ q e e e e e e e e e e e


---------- ----------
----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost Note
---------- ----------
----5p8--- Pulloff ----------

---------- ----------
----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead Note
---------- ----------
----5\8--- Slide Down ----------

---------- ||------|| Repeat Start & End
----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*||
---------- ||*----*||
---------- ||------||

w = whole note W = dotted whole
h = half note H = dotted half
q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter
e = eighth note E = dotted eighth
s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth
^ = triplet

== Created with a shareware version of the BUCKET 'O TAB ==
== tablature creation software for Windows ==
== For more information: ==
== email: gse@ocsystems.com ==
== US Mail: The Bucket, 3176-B5 Summit Square Dr., Oakton, VA 22124 ==

Warmest regards,

Michael P. Bailey
Associate Professor of Operations Research
Naval Postgraduate School

mail to : Michael P. Bailey Chief of Naval Operations
4500 S. 34th St. 2000 Navy Pentagon
Arlington, VA 22206 Washington, DC 20350-2000

mbailey@msis.dmso.mil mike@or.nps.navy.mil

phone: (703)697-0944
fax: (703)693-9760

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