- baltimore
- baltimore
- fairy tale
- fairy tale
- family reserve
- family reserve
- farther down the line
- farther down the line
- fiona
- Fiona
- fiona
- hot to go
- hot to go
- if i had a boat
- if i had a boat
- if i had a pony
- if i had a pony
- if i had a pony
- Old Friend
- old friend
- penguins
- penguins
- record lady
- record lady
- simple song
- simple song
- skinny legs
- skinny legs
- song about sonya
- song about sonya
- step inside this house album
- step inside this house album
- the girl in the corner
- the girl in the corner
- The Girl In The Corner
- the road to ensenada
- The Road To Ensenada
- the road to ensenada
- walk through the bottomland
- west texas highway
- who loves you better
- youre not from texas
- youre not from texas