LOCAL H - "fritzes corner" Tablature

Official LOCAL H Tablature & Sheet Music »

From guitarjam@juno.com Fri May 16 08:15:21 1997
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 22:09:12 PST
From: guitarjam@juno.com
To: guitar@olga.net
Subject: Fritz's Corner by Local H.Tabbed by Daniel Orosz

Hi this is my tab. enjoy!

Fritz's Corner by Local H

Tabbed by: Daniel Orosz

First off this song is REAL easy to play. Really it's just power
chords. It was kinda fun tabbing this because I figured it out and
tabbed it in about... five min. This is my first tab so if you have any
suggestions or comments email me at guitarjam@juno.com.

Intro: (head banging part)

E ----------------------------------------
B ----------------------------------------
G ----------------------------------------
D --11-11---------------------------------
A --11-11--------------------------------- repeat until the verse....
E --9--9----------------------------------


E -----------------------------------------------------------------
B -----------------------------------------------------------------
G ------------14-14-14-14------------------------------------------
D --11-11-11--14-14-14-14--14-14-14-14--12-12-12-12----------------
A --11-11-11--12-12-12-12--14-14-14-14--12-12-12-12----------------
E --9--9--9----------------12-12-12-12--10-10-10-10----------------

Fill 1 (played before the first verse)

E --------------------------------
B --------------------------------
G --------------------------------
D --------------------------------
A --/14\--------------------------
E --------------------------------

Fill 2 (played the third time before the first verse)

Pick Slides
E ----------------------------------------------------------------
B ----------------------------------------------------------------
G ----------------------------------------------------------------
D --/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------------------------
A --/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------------------------
E --/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------------------------

The solo part... Well its self explanatory. It's just two guitars
playing as many strings as they can and moving there your fingers
really fast.

Daniel Orosz

I was here, now I'm gone.... 8-)

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