LOCAL H - "bound for the floor" Tablature

Official LOCAL H Tablature & Sheet Music »

Sent: Friday, January 16, 1998 11:14 PM
To: Guitar@olga.net
Subject: TAB: bound for the floor by Local H

BAND: Local H
ALBUM: As Good As dead
SONG: Bound For the Floor *Kudos to Tom Worboys
TRANSCRIBER: Chi-Chi Hernando - BURTTIOMAN for the lyrics
I didn't include the exact
timing, but hopefully the spacing of the chords will help. You
don't have to be smarter than the average bear to figure the way
it goes. Also, this song sounds just as good acoustic.
Anyway, here it is folks.......

(Standard tuning sounds just fine)


Pre-Chorus(big-time distortion):

x9 x8 x8 x8

Solo Part(distortion)x4:

**When playing the intro, use your pinky to fret the B string at
the 5th fret, 4th finger on the G string at the 4th fret, and
your pointer finger on the D string at the 2nd fret. Then, when
you play 3rd frets on the A and E strings use your middle finger.

AND that's about it. Comments, Questions, Prostitutes, e-mail me
at Burttioman@aol.com. Booty is an alcoholic, and we're all proud!

"I don't know much about jammin'
but when you're jammin', I know it."
-Woodrow W. Toker
(a.k.a Woody the Weed Toker)


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