LED ZEPPELIN - "stairway to heaven6" Tablature

Official LED ZEPPELIN Tablature & Sheet Music »

Author/Artist: Led Zeppelin
Title: Stairway to Heaven (100% correct!!)
Album: Led Zeppelin IV (untitled)
Transcribed by: Ryan Bache
Email: dragon_o0o@yahoo.com

Alright, as most of you know, there is a BIG problem with
incorrect tabs found on the internet. Well I got sick of
finding tabs on the internet (especially Led Zepp.) that
weren't correct at all. So I bought a book covering his
first 5 albums. I intend to tab out most of the songs in here
overtime (and by request of course). So anyway, as far
as I know, this is the first 100% correct version of Stairway
to Heaven out there. And don't email me telling me that
anything i've tabbed out in here is wrong, unless you are
POSITIVE it is a mistake, in which case i'll gladly change
it. There is one bad thing though. My book doesn't include
solo's (or most of them atleast), but some help is more
than none, right? Also, when you come to the part where
he's singing "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow...." that
part and "Yes, there are two paths you can go by..." are
played with the same tabbs, so I put the first verse words
in CAPS and the second verse with a capitalized letter in
the beginning and end of each word. I'll have phrases
from each verse in a different form of capitalization.
Understand? If you still don't get it, then email me, i'll
explain. One last thing before i get started that you should
know: this song had normal tuning and the beginning is
played slowly (as wellas most of the song). Well, here





------ There's a la - dy sure all

gliters gold buy - ing stairwayto heav-en. gets she

if stores closed word she what she came for. Ooh,

ooh, and buy - ing stairway heav-en.

sign wall wants sure know words two me-

anings. In a tree by brook song - bird sings all

mis - giv-en.

(all upcoming strokes are down unless noted) U (i play this part w/o...)

U (..the open..) U (..A's + D's) wonder. Ooh,


There's I get when to west spir - it cry-ing for

leav-in. In my seen rings through trees the voic-es

standlook-ing. U Ooh,

wonderU U U Ooh, U

wonder U U And soon

call tune piper rea-son. day dawn those

stand for-ests echo ter. U

Wo wo wo wo U U U



andU Uwonder U U

Oh,....... U U U

Your hum-ming won't case know pip-er's

join-him Dear lady wind blow st

airway wind? Oh,........... (Sorry, no solo!)

(after solo) (Am) D D [rest](G)D D [rest](F)D U U D U(G)D D (you

will need to play that part 7 times and then this comes) (Am) D D [rest] (G)

D D(Fmaj7)D D D U D U D D U D (Am)D D [rest] D D(Fmaj7)U D D U D U D D U

D (<---earlier: to be a rock and not to roll....) (outro stuff)(Am)D D D (

G)D D D (F)D D D U D U D D(G)D (play 3 times and then..)(Am)D D D(G)D D D

(Freely) And she's buy - ing a stair - way to heav - en.

Alright, that's it! Enjoi! Tab#1.....next tab: Black Dog


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