KING\'S X - "little bit of soul" Tablature

Official KING\'S X Tablature & Sheet Music »

From: "Gerald Coleman" <>
Subject: k/kings_x/
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:00:03 -0500

#-- File created with Instab -

Author/Artist: King's X
Title: Little Bit of Soul
Album: Tapehead
Transcribed by: Grant Coleman

I got a few requests (and saw some) for this song so I
decided to do it. Nothing much to say about this one.
Tapehead is a real good album, but one problem I have
with it is its lack of variety. Great songs but some of them
tend to sound the same or have the same elements. This
song has some of the same elements as the other song
I transcribed off Tapehead (Ocean). But the album still rules!

Be sure when sliding to pick the notes when you get to them.

Email comments/corrections to me.


dropped d, down half a step.

verse (first time) (second time) (third time . . .


. . . . . . . . . . .)


(notes in parenthesis sometimes played)

(1st ending of chorus [all times])


(2nd ending of chorus [all times, not sure if that last chord is correct])


bridge (you can figure out the timing :-P)




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