JAMES Tablature
- america
- america
- Born Of Frustration
- born of frustration
- born of frustration
- five-o
- five-o
- getting away with it
- Getting Away With It
- getting away with it all messed up
- getting away with it2
- just like fred astaire
- laid
- laid
- out to get you
- Out To Get You
- out to get you
- protect me
- Protect Me
- protect me
- ring the bells
- ring the bells
- say something
- say something
- shes a star
- Shes A Star
- shes a star
- shes a star
- shes a star
- sit down
- Sit Down
- sit down
- the lake
- the lake
- tomorrow
- Tomorrow
- tomorrow
- Tomorrow
- waltzing along
- Waltzing Along
- waltzing along
- what for
- What For
- what for