JACKYL - "down on me" Tablature
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From: NIN9999959@aol.com
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 20:23:55 -0500
Subject: Jackyls Down on Me
Jackyl "Down On Me
Tabbed By Shirantha Fernando(NIN9999959@aol.com, MightyKC35@aol.com)
Intro/Little Riff that comes up some times
D5 C5 Do that little Riff with a Delay or Reverb.
Main Riff
B5 F#5 E5
|-I have no clue----------------------------|
Bridge Let Ring *
C5 D5 E5 D5 C5 D5 E5 F#5
End Riff
|-4--just repeat til' songs over------------|
Send Questions, Comments, crap, anything to
NIN9999959@aol.com or MightyKC35@aol.com
I'm not like them but i can pretend-
Kurt Cobain
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