JACKOPIERCE - "more than he could give" Tablature

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From ejeschke@phoenix.Princeton.EDUTue Nov 18 08:04:52 1997
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:34:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Eric Jeschke <ejeschke@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
To: guitar@olga.net
Subject: TAB: more than he could give by Jackopierce

-More Than He Could Give-
by Jackopierce on "Woman as Salvation"

Each - represents a thirty-second note with each chord lasting 1 full beat
in 4/4 time. This is to let a little space to make the tab legible. The
capo is on the third fret and all fingerings are relative to that

Intro and Verses:

A min E min C maj 7
E -----------------------------0---
B -1*--1-0-----0-------0---------0-
G -----2-0-------0-------0---2-----
D ---2-------2-------2-----0-------
A -0-------2-------3---------------
E ---------------------------------

The * denotes that this C (E flat) is only played during the intro which
are after each chorus and the first time the progression is played in the


C9 D sus2 (4 Beats total) C9 D sus2
E --------- -----0-------0---2----2/3/2------ -------- -0-------
B -----3--- -------3-------3-----------3----- ----3--- -3-------
G -------0-X4 ---2-------2-----------------2--- ------0-X4 -2-------
D ---2----- -0-------0-------0-------------0- --2----- -0-------
A -3------- --------------------------------- 3------- ---------
E --------- --------------------------------- -------- ---------

-Eric C Jeschke -
-Go Hoos! -

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