HEY - "dreams" Tablature
Official HEY Tablature & Sheet Music »
From: Dariusz Sitko <karol@student.uci.agh.edu.pl>
Group Hey
Title Dreams
There is something ...| b D | A fis |
And I think ...| b D | A fis |
Why don't you ...| b D | A fis |
Why are you ...| b D | A fis |
Last night my ....
And it was ....| G | D |
I still feel his hands .....| C G | fis |
Come to me girl, I .....
Put hands .....
And your fuckin' ....
##### ,.
t#### d##b
]###I ####
####[ ####
,w##############bwwwwwwd####b. ,odb
##############################b. ,d####
`^####~~~~####~~^^^^^^^^^~~#####b d######
#### #### ,d#######im,`############
i### ####b ######~~^####`###########
I### `####b `####boo###' ~^#^' i##P
#### `###b, `^###b, t##[
V### `###b `^###b, ###[
^## `### `^###b, ###[
~ ~^ `^### ####
~ t##P
Group Hey
Title Dreams
There is something ...| b D | A fis |
And I think ...| b D | A fis |
Why don't you ...| b D | A fis |
Why are you ...| b D | A fis |
Last night my ....
And it was ....| G | D |
I still feel his hands .....| C G | fis |
Come to me girl, I .....
Put hands .....
And your fuckin' ....
##### ,.
t#### d##b
]###I ####
####[ ####
,w##############bwwwwwwd####b. ,odb
##############################b. ,d####
`^####~~~~####~~^^^^^^^^^~~#####b d######
#### #### ,d#######im,`############
i### ####b ######~~^####`###########
I### `####b `####boo###' ~^#^' i##P
#### `###b, `^###b, t##[
V### `###b `^###b, ###[
^## `### `^###b, ###[
~ ~^ `^### ####
~ t##P
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