HAMMILL PETER - "shingle song" Tablature

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Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 12:16:55 +0200 (IST)
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Subject: Shingle Song
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Shingle song / Peter Hammill

Here's another enjoyable sad song. Play all the F#m and Bm chords on the
first verse without letting the higher (6th) string sound. The other verses -
you shouldn't give a damn, and I didn't check whether Hammill did at all.
The E and Esus4 chords are not played on the 0 position (the end of the
neck) but in the way I show (I hope). You can ignore it if it makes you busy
and just play it on the more comfortable position.
Don't forget to sing it in a VERY low bass voice...

The lyrics were typed by somebody to cs.uwp.edu. I don't know who sould get
the credit for that, but he deserves it, anyhow...

F#m: 2-4-4-3-2-2 on first verse better do: 2-4-4-3-2-x
Bm: 2-2-4-4-3-2 on first verse better do: 2-2-4-4-3-x
E: x-x-6-4-5-4 or: x-7-9-9-9-x
Esus4: x-x-x-4-5-5 or: x-7-9-9-10-x
G#m: 4-6-6-4-4-4
A: 5-7-7-6-5-5

F#m Bm
You can see in the last ...
Bm F#m
that there's nothing in ...
F#m Bm
as I stand, facing sea, ...
Bm F#m
all the elements ...
F#m E Esus4 E F#m
that I should ...
but there is s...
E F#m
which ensures I ...

[Instrumental Verse: - You'll have to figure out the rhythm yourself...]

F#m G#m A G#m A G#m A
Bm A G#m
A G#m A G#m A

Have fun and try not to sink down when playing this one.


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