HAMM STU - "linus and lucy" Tablature

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Ok all, here it is for your bass-enjoyment. The linus and
Lucy theme as played by Stu Hamm.
A couple of notes: all of the G-string notes are played with
the right hand. Except for the part marked "Slap". The little `---'
things under the measures are ties. Sorry about the G-String tab being
so close together. Any other questions, feel free to mail me.

| ___ ____ | Factor Hartke | webb@chopin.udel.edu |
| ( `--' .-' ___ | Samson GHS | Webb Pickersgill |
| |8) O O ||||||||||||||[_-~) | Ibanez A.R.T. | (302) 837-1861 |
| (__.--.__| Kubicki Factor | Digitech | Bassist For:Seven Wishes|

--' `---' `---' `---' `---

--' `---' `---' `---' `---

--' `---' `---' `---' `---

--' `---' Slap:



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