ENGLISH BEAT - "spar wid me" Tablature

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From: "David Verdugo" <twotonesoldier@hotmail.com>
Subject: e/english_beat/spar_wid_me.btab
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 07:07:33 +0000

The English Beat
Spar wid me
Special Beat Service

Tabbed soley by David Verdugo (twotonesoldier@hotmail.com), and it is my
idea of how to play the song.
Please don't try to pawn this off as your own!

"In a me yard,
You noh fe gwan like you hard.
In a me yard in a me yard."

"Malegego, Malegego malegego malegego."
Me seh me a littla darta.
By de name of Marge"

If you enjoyed this, or you have an interest in more tabs from The Beat
(bass or guitar), e-mail me to give me support.
If I recieve no e-mails on the matter, I probably wont bother to tab any of
these out again. Also, if you have
a specific song you want me to tab out, just ask, and I will be more than
happy to *try*

And if anyone else out there knows how to play any beat songs, post them!
There's not nearly enough tabs out there for this awesome band.

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