DISTURBED - "Prayer(7-string)" Tablature

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It sounds like the guitar had been originally recorded with a gated microphone. This means to duplicate
the sound will be difficult (sound is completely gone when strings are muted/ stray sounds are
electronicly removed) so hunkering down and working on playing cleanly will be key. I'm sure they
don't play it that cleanly live, but the better you articulate the more impressed your friends will be.
Good Luck!

So much easier on a 7-string but I can
Transcribe for a 6.

E |--------------------------------*-|
B |--------------------------------*-|
G |--------------------------------*4|
D |--------------------------------*4|
A |--44454544-4545222--222555545---*2|
E |--44444444-4444444—-444444444---*-|
B |--22222222-2222222—-222222222---*-|
Repeat twice and at the end of the 2nd
Round finish with *** chord. Repeat into
The verse.

E |---------------------------------*-|
B |---------------------------------*-|
G |---------------------------------*4|
D |---------------------------------*4|
A |--44444444--4444222222—555545----*2|
E |--44444444--4444444444—444444----*2|
B |--22222222--2222222222—222222----*-|
Repeat twice and at the end of the 2nd
Round finish with *** chord.

RIFF 3(Bridge) *
E |-----------------------------------*-|
B |-----------------------------------*-|
G |----------------2------------------*4|
D |--6\----------2-2---6\---------2---*4|
A |--6\--5-5555--2-0---6\-5-5555--2-5-*2|
E |--4\--5-5555—-0-----4\-5-5555--0-5-*-|
B |------3-3333-----------3-3333----3-*-|
Repeat and play *** chord into chorus
E |-------------------------------------------------|
B |------5-7-----------5-7--------------------------|
G |--4---4-6-4--864-4--4-6-4---864--2-2-2222--2-2---|
D |--2---2-4-2--664-2--2-4-2---664--2-2-2222--2-2---|
A |--0-------0--442-0------0---442--0-0-0000--0-0---|
E |-------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------|
Play last part in syncopation and then back into intro part. This can also be transcribed into a 6-string
tuned to c#

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