DEBBIE DAVIES - "Picture This" Tablature
Official DEBBIE DAVIES Tablature & Sheet Music »
This is a tune called Picture This by Debbie Davies. If you like Bonnie Rait's
voice and some good blues guitar, buy this woman's CD. The CD is called
"Picture This" from Blind Pig records in San Francsico. (If you can't find it
in the store, I purchased it from the CD connection on the net.) She used to
be in a blues band with John Mayall's wife and then toured with Albert Collins
for three years. Just recently she was spotlighted on the HOUSE OF BLUES with
Dan Akroyd. (I know I'm probably destroying the spelling of theses people's names
but I think you get the point.)
I tried to put in all the dynamics where possible but you'll need to listen to
the song to get every bend and slide just right. It's a really fun tune, so
have a good time.
Jim Kath or
Picture This
by Debbie Davies
(E major 4/4 time)
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 Picture this picture this, Yeah baby picture this
|-This is lick number 1---|
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
...eternal bliss picture this picture this
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
|-Play lick #1-|----------------------5-6----------------------|---------------|
...lovin' for ya baby ... by too long
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
2 3 4 ...crazy 2 3 4 1 ...can't go on
|-3-| |-3-|
pic. this pic. this 2 3 4 ...pic. this 2 3 4
|-t1-----------|-----/6----6----------|---Play lick #1-------------------------|
...bliss 2 3 4
|---------------------------2-|--------------Play lick #1----------------------|
|-----------------------------|-----------(It gets played a LOT)---------------|
... on the inside to me
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
...break the ice 2 3 4 ...down shuffle twice
|-3-| |quart trip| |qurt trip|
1 2 3 4 ...roll the dice 2 3 4
|qurt trip|
|-----|-----Play lick #1--------------|------------------------|---------------|
|-----|--(see, I told you)------------|------------------------|---------------|
...vice 2 ...picture this 2 3 4 ...picture
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
|-------------------2-|-------|--------------------|------------|---Lick #1----|
this 2 3 4 ...bliss 3 4 ...pic. this
SOLO |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
|---------|----Play lick #1--|-C9 to B9-|--------------------------------------|
4 1 2 3
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|qrt trps| |--3--| |qrt trps| |qrt trps| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| end of solo |-3-|
|--b12----12-14--14-14--12-----|-12---C9 to b9-|---------------------2-0-------|
1 2 3 4 who's able 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
|-------------Play lick #1 |---------------------------------------------------|
|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| to me ...picture this
|-3-| |-3-|
...picture this ...bliss
|---------------Play lick #1-|-------------------------------------------------|
...picture this ...picture this ...picture this
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
...bliss ...picture this
|---Play lick #1 |--C9 down to B9--||
voice and some good blues guitar, buy this woman's CD. The CD is called
"Picture This" from Blind Pig records in San Francsico. (If you can't find it
in the store, I purchased it from the CD connection on the net.) She used to
be in a blues band with John Mayall's wife and then toured with Albert Collins
for three years. Just recently she was spotlighted on the HOUSE OF BLUES with
Dan Akroyd. (I know I'm probably destroying the spelling of theses people's names
but I think you get the point.)
I tried to put in all the dynamics where possible but you'll need to listen to
the song to get every bend and slide just right. It's a really fun tune, so
have a good time.
Jim Kath or
Picture This
by Debbie Davies
(E major 4/4 time)
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 Picture this picture this, Yeah baby picture this
|-This is lick number 1---|
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
...eternal bliss picture this picture this
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
|-Play lick #1-|----------------------5-6----------------------|---------------|
...lovin' for ya baby ... by too long
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
2 3 4 ...crazy 2 3 4 1 ...can't go on
|-3-| |-3-|
pic. this pic. this 2 3 4 ...pic. this 2 3 4
|-t1-----------|-----/6----6----------|---Play lick #1-------------------------|
...bliss 2 3 4
|---------------------------2-|--------------Play lick #1----------------------|
|-----------------------------|-----------(It gets played a LOT)---------------|
... on the inside to me
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
...break the ice 2 3 4 ...down shuffle twice
|-3-| |quart trip| |qurt trip|
1 2 3 4 ...roll the dice 2 3 4
|qurt trip|
|-----|-----Play lick #1--------------|------------------------|---------------|
|-----|--(see, I told you)------------|------------------------|---------------|
...vice 2 ...picture this 2 3 4 ...picture
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
|-------------------2-|-------|--------------------|------------|---Lick #1----|
this 2 3 4 ...bliss 3 4 ...pic. this
SOLO |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
|---------|----Play lick #1--|-C9 to B9-|--------------------------------------|
4 1 2 3
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|qrt trps| |--3--| |qrt trps| |qrt trps| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|--3--| end of solo |-3-|
|--b12----12-14--14-14--12-----|-12---C9 to b9-|---------------------2-0-------|
1 2 3 4 who's able 4
|--3--| |--3--| |--3--|
|-------------Play lick #1 |---------------------------------------------------|
|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| to me ...picture this
|-3-| |-3-|
...picture this ...bliss
|---------------Play lick #1-|-------------------------------------------------|
...picture this ...picture this ...picture this
|-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|
...bliss ...picture this
|---Play lick #1 |--C9 down to B9--||
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