DAYS OF THE NEW - "weapon and the wound" Tablature

Official DAYS OF THE NEW Tablature & Sheet Music »

From: "Matthew Cooper" <>
Subject: d/days_of_the_new/
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:45:56 +1100

Days of the new - weapon and the wound
transcribed by m2Fu

tune all Guitars (B E C# B G# C#)=20

so what has happened to travis meek and band???=20
i heard he fired his bandmates and they set up their own
days of the new ripoff called tantric........well whatever. the days of =
the new=20
legacy still lives on in dotn 1 and 2
weapon and the wound is a slow tempo song .......about 66bmp i think... =
not sure of the timing=20
probably odd signature..i couldnt care less about it actually cuz it =
kicks ass anyway




this bit is harmonics...duh play it 6 times or something

|------------------------------------------------------------------------= |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------= |
|---------------------<12>-------------------------------<12>-------0----= |
|-----------<12>-----------<12>------<12>-----------<12>-----------------= |
|------<12>------<12>-----------<12>-----------<12>-----------0-3b4------= |
|-<12>------------------------------------<12>---------------------------= |

ok this is the pre-chorus

^---this means arpegiate the =
chord =20
these are the chords for the chorus


SOLO------i didnt transcribe cuz it was too easy :D i'll leave that =
task too someone else
its based around the 6th and 8th frets though.
rest of song is variations of the above

questions, abuse etc direct to or icq 75102685

i transcribed this some time ago so u may find errors=20
i didnt indicate timing as usual so just listen to the song
....either way just have some fun with it

Tablature Legend
h - hammer-on
p - pull-off
b - bend
<n> - natural harmonic

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