CROW SHERYL - "strong enough" Tablature
Official CROW SHERYL Tablature & Sheet Music »
From: (Jason Lee)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 23:35:52 EDT
~Title: Strong Enough
Artist: Sheryl Crow
Album: Tuesday Night Music Club
Written by: Sheryl Crow?
Transcribed by:Jason Lee
This song is quite simple if you know the chords. There is a lot of
picking involved.
This may not be accurate but I know it's the right notes.
This is my second attempt to tab out a song please send comments,
questions and corrections to the following adress.
If you want some other tabs I maybe able to get it for you.
I mostly have alternative tabs like nirvana, smashing pumpkins green
day etc.
God I feel like hell tonight, tears ....
This is the main riff just keep playing this until the chorus.
Em D G A B C G A
Lie, to me, I promise I'll believe...
This is the chorus, when finished playing this go back to the melody.
Ce fichier a ‚t‚ cr‚e par Tab 1.1
__ __
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__ Recipe for a perfect day:
+|oo|+ Smash some Pumpkins, add Cranberries, a pinch of Veruca Salt,
+ÎooÎ+ spread in some Pearl Jam, Blind in some Melons and while having
+|oo|+ your Green Day, you reach the sate of Nirvana, give birth to your
|| Offspring and finally, you kill the Weezer by shootin' a big Hole
|| in it's hHead(a Montreal band I think).
|| _---------------------\------I------/-----------------------------
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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BLASTING INTO CYBERSPACE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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