CANNIBAL CORPSE - "Shredded Humans" Tablature
Official CANNIBAL CORPSE Tablature & Sheet Music »
Band: Cannibal Corpse
Song: Shredded Humans
Tabbed by: \JEB/,
Tune your guitar accordingly, I believe it's a half step down...
This is the intro right after the engine noise...
Repeat this a couple of times...
Early hours...
These are the little bursts as it goes into "Father of three..."
This is the "Father of three..." Palm mute the open strings...
play the bursts again...then play them through the "Mother took a
flight throught the glass..."
|p. m.|
Play this part through "Fourth child on the way..." all the way to
"smashed against the ceiling, all their skin, burning and peeling"
"Underneath the wheel..." part. Picked kind of fast. Played 4 times.
"Family of four..." part...played 8 times....i think.
Little bursts again...then...
There are some variations on's all palm muted.
during solo hit the higher two chords...that's the only difference.
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