BLINK 182 - "Firts Date Live On Conan O´Brien" Tablature

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Tabbed by: Diego Deko P.
Band: Blink 182
Song: First Date
Track: #03
Album: Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (2001)

This is the version that Blink 182 played live on the Conan O´Brien Show.

I was sick of not finding a right tab for this song, so i had to tab it out on my own.
The intro part is partially different of the album one, but the rest of the song is
basically the same.
To make it sound alright you can play it in standard tuning and a bit faster than the original
and, very important, turn on the distortion a lot! It will sound okay.

So... the song´s great, enjoy and have fun!

P.M. |__| = palm-muting
* = play the note/s a lotta´ times
\ or / = slide (down/up)
\\\\\\ = power slide down
x = dead note




Bass progression



bass line - 4X


guitar pick - 2X (palm-muted)


CHORUS part 1 - 2X


part 2 - 2X


back to the intro



and the verse part

bass line - 4X


guitar pick - 2X (palm-muted)



the bass line is the always the same


This part can be played by one or two guitars, as you prefer.


guitar 1 - 6X

P.M. |_____________________________________|

guitar 2 (comes in last 4X)



a little variation


for using one guitar it´s the same, but you only play the guitar two part

CHORUS part 1 - 2X


part 2 - 2X


for two guitars:
play another the time the chorus part while the other guitar plays the intro

for one guitar:

play the bass line


while the guitar plays the intro



ENDING (while Travis has fun on his drums)





Wooooooooow!, that´s right, here´s the complete tab for playing this song.

Please don´t steal this tabs without asking me. Any questions or corrections, mail me.

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