- baby lemonade
- baby lemonade
- birdie hop
- birdie hop
- bob dylan blues
- Bob Dylan Blues
- Bob Dylan Blues [corrected]
- dark globe
- dark globe
- dominoes
- dominoes
- effervescing elephant
- effervescing elephant
- effervescing elephant
- feel
- feel
- gigolo aunt
- gigolo aunt
- golden hair
- golden hair
- golden hair
- here i go
- here i go
- its no good trying
- its no good trying
- late night
- late night
- lets split
- lets split
- long gone
- long gone
- love song
- love song
- love you
- love you
- milky way
- milky way
- no good trying
- no good trying
- no mans land
- no mans land
- octopus
- octopus
- opel
- opel
- she took a long cold look
- she took a long cold look
- swan lee
- swan lee
- terrapin
- terrapin
- two of a kind
- two of a kind
- wined and dined
- wined and dined
- wined and dined
- wolfpack
- wolfpack
- word song
- word song